Furniture exactly like you want
It is up to you to decide on the components related to the appearance and functionalities of our system. From the catalogue of ready-made components, you choose the ones that best suit your needs and then combine them into ready-made sets. You do not need to fear that you will arrange your display unfavourably - this is not an option. Every rack or display stand looks the same from all sides, so the 'wrong set-up' does not exist! Cabinets, drawers, shelves or other elements of the system can be combined with each other, separated or multiplied. HELO FORM® means an unlimited number of combinations and arrangements that can stand up literally in any interior, even the small and demanding in terms of arrangement.
Colours, materials, finishes
A great deal of freedom in creating our display furniture is provided by the variety of available finishing materials - furniture board, decorative metal sheet panels, PVC or veneer - and the wide range of colours of the base structure. In the standard variant, the body of the system is usually painted in one of three universal colours (white, black or anthracitic), but if you want original and unique combinations, you can use any colour from the RAL palette. HELO FORM® allows you to play with textures or colours so that the created furniture is unique and designer.